
Integrated Massage

Tailored for your specific needs. Sessions can incorporate hot stones, passive stretching, and myofascial work.

Pricing on a Sliding Scale

30 minutes - $20-30

60 minutes - $60-75

90 minutes - $80-90

Foot Soak & Massage

A relaxing foot soak with River Island Apothecary bath salts, followed by a deep and soothing massage using hot tools and other techniques.

Pricing on a Sliding Scale

80 minutes - $75-90

Thai Bodywork

A low-impact and effective style of Thai Yoga that will leave you relaxed and energized.

Duane uses techniques that are less aggressive than the traditional Thai yoga. Trained by a master that has found this method to be more effective way of healing. This way it brings out the dance and meditative qualities of Thai, the work is more efficient, deeply therapeutic AND both relaxing and energizing.

Please wear loose and comfortable clothing as this is a clothed
session. Also, allow an extra half hour in your schedule for this massage as this technique requires the extra time.
Pricing on a Sliding Scale

90 minutes - $60-80